Linsheng -Air Compressor Accessories Instructions


       Air compressors are known for their ease of use. The end-use tools are simpler, provide fast and responsive, and are easier to maintain than traditional power tools. In addition to the technicians responsible for maintaining the operation of the compressed air system, many people no longer consider air compressors.

  However, there are many ways to use air compressor accessories to increase the ease of use of the compressed air system. Whether it’s helping your system more effectively or helping employees solve unexpected problems faster, there are many air compressor accessories that anyone with compressed air should keep in mind to ensure their systems run at their highest efficiency and for them. Provide all power and useful it can.

  Because we are investing heavily in ensuring that your compressed air system is working properly and providing you with the power and efficiency you need,     linsheng    believes that he will provide you with tips and advice on air compressor accessories to make work easier. . Whether you are using a compressed air system in a traditional factory, hospital or food service industry, we know that with some adjustments and several additional components, your system will work better!

  So here are some of our essential air compressor accessories, you should be sure to carry them with you in your machine shop.

  Description of industry-specific accessories

  Before we explore some specific options, we think these options are useful accessories for a wide range of industries. It is important to note that each industry has its own basic accessories that are not suitable for other industries.

  When you consider which add-ons are added to your compressed air system, you must consider the need to make your industry-specific operations and end-use applications easier. In many ways, you know your needs better than anyone else.

  Air hoses and pipes

  While hoses and pipes are an important part of any compressed air system, these are also the best opportunities to upgrade and replace. In this sense, they may be the most important attachments that make your job easier.

  That’s because these parts are usually of standard size. While standard piping is well suited for most compressed air applications, adjusting these components can greatly increase efficiency and end-use power.

  For example, if you have a recently installed system and you are sure that your pipeline has not started to degrade, you may still find that the pressure between the compressor and the end use tool is decreasing. This may be because your pipeline is not suitable for your particular system and application.

  However, if your system ages, you may also find that new pipes only need to have your compressed air system behave like new. This is because of years of use, especially if you use sub-air quality operations that can cause rust and other deposits to block compressed air from flowing through your pipe. While some of them may be cleaned, replacing worn pipes may be your best bet. If you spend years using downgraded pipes, you may not even realize the extent to which it hinders system efficiency.

  Consider the cost of leaking pipes. A quarter-inch leak can result in an annual cost of between $2,500 and $8,000.

  In addition, your existing piping and air hose installations may hinder your growth. Although the pipeline may be sufficient for the number of end-use applications you work with at the time of installation, your business may have changed. Things that were once satisfying may now be restrictive. By simply expanding your pipeline – assuming your compressor can handle increased capacity – you may find your compressed air system more versatile. This retrofit is much cheaper than a complete system overhaul.

  You also need to make sure that there is a spare hose on hand to prevent the basic hose that connects the end-use tool to the piping system from breaking. While new-sized hoses may not be ideal, having spare parts on hand ensures that you minimize downtime, and you can continue to use end-use tools while waiting for the correct size replacement to arrive.

  Finally, by paying attention to your pipeline installation, you can also increase energy efficiency. This is especially important as energy costs continue to rise. The United States loses $3.2 billion annually due to inefficient air compression.

  If you are looking for an easy way to make significant improvements to your compressed air system, both the end-use equipment and overall energy efficiency, your plumbing and air hoses are a good starting point. By meeting your system needs based on your specific needs, you can make small changes that can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

  Hose reel

  While we focus on replacing hoses, hose reels are another useful tool, especially if you want to replace a replacement hose in a compressed air system with a standard size hose.

  The hose reel helps keep the clumsy hose unobstructed. This is especially important if your replacement hose is much longer than you need. While replacement hoses may only be temporarily fixed, hose reels will help your employees work more efficiently while ensuring they work safely and help your facility avoid accidents.

  We especially recommend a hose reel with a locking mechanism that allows you to customize the length of the replacement hose. This will make your replacement hose a customizable element and a great way to change it instantly without compromising your productivity.

  Compressed pneumatic hand tool

  While many industries do not consider hand tools to be an accessory but an indispensable tool, even those factories that do not use hand tools often – such as nail guns, drill bits and pumps – should also consider investing in those useful moments. .

  You can never predict all the needs of a hand tool, but when problems arise, the ability to use the manual tools to perform the necessary repairs to your compressed air system is a very time and cost effective method.

  In addition, compressed aerodynamic hand tools are generally more reliable and durable, which means your investment will be sustainable.

  Finally, by using a hand tool powered by a compressed air system, you can avoid using extension cords or battery charging stations. This will simplify your operation and ensure that you can make the necessary repairs and then get back to work as soon as possible.

  Therefore, make sure you invest in a standard hand tool that is compatible with your particular compressed air system and store it in your machine shop. Although you may not use them every day, they are perfect for you if you need them for emergency repairs.

  Nozzle kit

  There are many applications for compressed air, and each industry considers a specific application when installing the system. However, this is the case in most industries when inflation is needed. While these opportunities may occasionally occur, having a copper nozzle kit on hand is a great way to ensure that you can solve the aeration problem with a pre-existing compressed air system.

  The advantage of the nozzle kit is that the high quality kit is durable and non-corrosive. This means that even if they are only used with caution, they will continue to work.

  The standard nozzle kit includes an inflatable needle, blow gun, coupler, plug and air block. These tools should be sufficient no matter what you need to expand.

  Although it may not be used in large quantities, the nozzle kit benefits anyway. Make a worthwhile investment by simply saving one of the time and effort stored in your machine shop.

  Tool accessories

  If each tool is immediately compatible with your compressor system, many processes will be easier, but the fact is that sometimes the tool is not suitable for the coupling you install in the system.

  That’s why you always want to have a comprehensive set of tool accessories and connectors of all sizes to ensure that each tool is compatible.

  You want to make sure that you also invest in good accessories, so always have anodized accessories. This ensures that the conversion will continue as you transition between the final use of the tool and the system. While a suitable adapter may seem like a temporary fix, many people who perform the installation forget to install the coupler and continue to use it for years to come. Therefore, please make sure that the fit will continue.

  You also need to make sure you pay attention to whether you need a male or female adapter. It is a very frustrating experience to think that you have the right converter just to find both men are male.

  Purchase these converters based on the size of your operation. The more you operate, the more unnecessary downtime you have. In this sense, having the coupler on hand ensures that you can get started right away is a key time and money saving measure.


  One of the main causes of inefficient and underpowered compressed air systems is the dirty filter. You can assume that you always need to change your air filter often, so why not make sure you have an air filter on hand?

  You should know what filters you need and make sure to change them as part of your regular and routine maintenance schedule.

  However, it’s important not to rely on filters to solve larger problems, so don’t expect individual filter changes to solve each problem. If you find that the new filter does not solve the problem your system is currently experiencing, you will need to hire a technician who can help you identify the problem. The technician may suggest a new filtration system that can help with drying, or specifically designed to filter the oil in the system.

  Gas pressure regulator

  If you have an accessory on hand, it should be a gas pressure regulator. This is because there are no tools to help you understand the level of barometric pressure, but it also gives you the insight you need to maximize efficiency without compromising system efficiency.

  The gas pressure regulator accurately reads the available air pressure in the end use tool. Although you may set the central compressor to a certain pressure, there are many variables in your end-use application that can significantly reduce air pressure, reducing your efficiency and energy efficiency.

  This is especially important if you use compressed air for sensitive work. For these types of work, even small changes in air pressure can damage your work and cost a lot of money on lost labor and wasted materials.

  However, gas pressure regulators are also an excellent tool for monitoring air pressure usage and energy savings. There may be an unknown leak somewhere in your pipeline, which can damage the energy saving system. Although you may have realized that your compressor will cost you energy, the gas pressure regulator makes it easier to determine the location of the pressure loss, giving you the information you need to solve the problem. A cost-effective way.

  Portable air tank

  Unfortunately, your compressor may stop at regular intervals. It may be an unknown failure or it may be routine maintenance. Either way, using a portable air can or a separate portable compressor is a good way to ensure proper operation even when the main compressor is shut down.

  The portable air tank works by storing compressed air from the main compressor and then applying the compressed air to the end use tool when the compressor is no longer active. Although they do not power your entire operation, they can be used to keep some basic operations up and running when you take the necessary steps to get the main compressor running again.

  Portable compressors actually produce the compressed air you need. These are especially useful when the main compressor fails unexpectedly. They can be moved near the end-use application and can be used to ensure that you continue to run.

  Although both are useful, each has its advantages and disadvantages. The size of the air can can be adjusted according to your operation. If you have a large operation, you can have a larger spare air tank that is better suited to keep your productivity. However, they are also limited because they do not produce their own compressed air. In other words, once the air pressure drops, it cannot be recovered until the main compressor is running again.

  However, portable compressors can continue to generate the necessary air pressure, and if you are not sure how long the system will be down, they will become more versatile. In addition, because they are portable, they can be moved to the location you need to make them flexible. However, their capacity is also limited. Because they need to maintain portability, larger operations in an emergency situation may find them insufficient, and investing in a large number of portable compressors may prove to be cost prohibitive.

  Either way, having an alternate plan is always good, especially if most of your operations rely on compressed aerodynamic tools. No matter how reliable your compressor is, you should be prepared for the worst. Insufficient preparation can be costly, because you not only need to invest in repairs, but you also need to consider downtime where the line is not running and profits are declining.