• $2000


Compressed Air System Solutions

Based on our extensive product system, we are able to provide oil-free compressed air for industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, electronic semiconductors, and textiles; and provide energy-saving and efficient compressed air for industries such as automobile manufacturing, chemicals, petroleum and petrochemicals, coal, and electricity.


Oil Free Screw & Scroll Air Compressor in Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical Production

Oil-free air compressors are widely used in pharmaceutical companies, participating in the stirring, mixing, transportation, drying and other applications of raw materials. Also, they can provide pure air sources for precision instruments.


Oil Free Screw & Scroll Air Compressor for Food Industry

Food Production

Oil-free scroll air compressor china can be used in the sorting and transportation of food raw materials, or in food packaging and canning applications.


Oil Free Screw & Scroll Air Compressors for Electronics and Semiconductor Industry

Electronics and Semiconductor

In the manufacturing process of chips, compressed air has a large number of applications, including the flushing and transportation of electronic components. To protect the chips from contamination, oil-free compressed air must be used.


Oil Free Screw & Scroll Compressed Air Solutions for PET Blowing

PET Bottle Blowing

The annual consumption of PET products is huge, such as mineral water bottles, beverage bottles, medicines, infusion bottles, etc., which are all blown by bottle blowing machines, and the work of the bottle blowing machine requires 25bar to 40bar compressed air as the air source.


Medical Oil Free Screw & Scroll Air Compressor for Hospital Use


The air utilized in hospitals will come into intimate touch with patients’ bodies. It even has something to do with the patient’s life safety. The primary issue at hand is that hospital air system construction lacks professional guidelines and requirements; unfortunately, the demand side frequently overlooks this as well.


Oil Free Screw & Scroll Air Compressors for Textile Industry


In the manufacturing process of textiles, compressed air provides air source for various mechanical equipment.


Air Compressor Uses and Applications in Different Industries


Compressed air compressor is used for a large number of industries, including coal power, petroleum and petrochemicals, new energy photovoltaics, etc.